YSMHL, 2022-2023 (Bradford Bulldogs)

This League is part of the 2022-2023 season, which is not set as the current season.
U11 AA54108179+80.6544-1-0L1@ N/A, 1-4 (L)
U16 A54108179+80.6544-1-0L1@ N/A, 0-4 (L)
U10 A43106238+150.7423-1-0W3@ N/A, 6-0 (W)
U9 MD532062310+130.6973-2-0L1vs. N/A, 4-2 (L)
U14 A522151112-10.4782-2-1L1@ N/A, 1-3 (L)
U12 A523041519-40.4412-3-0L2@ N/A, 3-4 (L)
U18 A41213912-30.4291-2-1W1vs. N/A, 1-3 (W)
U13 BB51313913-40.4091-3-1L2@ N/A, 0-3 (L)
U15 A40311614-80.3000-3-1T1@ N/A, 1-1 (T)
U11 BB40311518-130.2170-3-1L2@ N/A, 1-3 (L)
U13 AA40400314-110.1760-4-0L4vs. N/A, 4-1 (L)
U15 MD40400435-310.1030-4-0L4vs. N/A, 9-0 (L)
U8 MD000000000.0000-0-0-(no scores recorded)
U11 RS000000000.0000-0-0-(no scores recorded)
Regular Season
U10 A2618533916447+1170.7778-1-1W1vs. N/A, 0-2 (W)
U16 A2719713910955+540.6658-2-0W1@ N/A, 3-1 (W)
U13 BB28171013512393+300.5697-3-0W3vs. N/A, 2-3 (W)
U12 A2615923214094+460.5989-1-0W2@ N/A, 4-3 (W)
U11 AA281198307674+20.5073-3-4T1vs. N/A, 1-1 (T)
U15 A2711133256367-40.4853-5-2L1@ N/A, 1-5 (L)
U14 A2611123258390-70.4804-5-1L3vs. N/A, 6-1 (L)
U9 MD121011214416+280.7338-1-1W5vs. N/A, 0-3 (W)
U11 BB249141198582+30.5094-6-0W2@ N/A, 4-1 (W)
U18 A267145195986-270.4072-6-2L1@ N/A, 2-3 (L)
U13 AA247134185279-270.3974-5-1W1vs. N/A, 1-3 (W)
U15 MD331293548178-1300.2121-8-1L2vs. N/A, 5-1 (L)
U8 MD000000000.0000-0-0-(no scores recorded)
U11 RS000000000.0000-0-0-(no scores recorded)