Sep 10, 2017 | Rob Matthews | 878 views
Atom Evaluation Schedule
Atom Evaluation sessions will be held on Saturday Sept 23 and Sunday Sept 24.
The intent of these sessions is strictly to help us build balanced teams. We'll keep it light and fun for the kids !
LAST Name A - K
Saturday Sept 23 - 12:00pm @ BLC Blue Pad
Sunday Sept 24 - 6:00pm @ BLC Blue Pad
LAST Name L - Z
Saturday Sept 23 - 1:00pm @ BLC Blue Pad
Sunday Sept 24 - 5:00pm @ BLC Blue Pad
Come see us at the Check-in desk, which will be located at the entrance to each rink. Please bring a jersey & hockey socks... if you do not have a jersey & hockey socks, we'll have some on-hand for you to borrow. You will receive your House League jersey & socks at a later date, when teams are selected.